Da Couch Tomato

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Coco avant Chanel

Before this film, Coco Chanel was just a name to me. At least after this film, she finally had a face.

But still, I cannot call this film good. The title says it all. This should chronicle the rise of Mademoiselle Gabrielle Chanel to the heights of the fashion world. And I thought the story of her life would be interesting. Well, it wasn't. Or maybe it's the filmmaker's fault for not making it interesting enough. Whatever. All it showed were her affairs and love interests. Boring.

All I can say is that the costume designs were excellent. And that Audrey Tautou is really beautiful. Yet she seems to have only one style of acting. But that is forgivable, simply because she is beautiful.

*some info from IMDb
pic from daemonsmovies.com

Coco avant Chanel. France. 2009.

Original Rating: Two out of ten.
Costume design: Plus one point nine.
Audrey Tautou: Plus two.
Final Rating: Five point nine out of ten.


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